"Reducing "Ghosting" Techniques

It is particularly important not to let your attention and efforts towards candidates slacken during the period after receiving applications and finalizing recruitment. This is the period when the candidate you are targeting may be "poached" by the competition, or their private life may change, and while some paradigms may be beyond your control, there are several factors you can control to minimize the risk of no-show at the job interview because the candidate would retract. Here are our tips to reduce "ghosting".

Les techniques pour limiter l'abandon des candidats

Secret #1: Keep in touch and start onboarding early
It is always necessary to maintain the dialogue. You should also speed up the process as much as possible. Above all, you must be extremely vigilant and preventive to keep your candidate's desire to join your ranks lively. Beware: you shouldn't hound them, put too much pressure on them. But you shouldn't give them the feeling that you are losing interest in them even though they haven't started yet. Take this opportunity to start the first steps of their integration, the pre-boarding: show them around the premises, have them participate in an internal event, create an email address for them, give them access codes to the intranet, send them the group newsletters, etc. On a personal level, if they have problems or constraints that arise, find solutions with them: adjusting their working hours, some of their tasks remotely, a salary increase, a moving allowance, a car or company housing...

Secret #2: Prepare the candidate to manage their stress
Another important "ghosting" factor is simply the candidate's stress. To reassure an anxious candidate, simple rules often help to disarm the questions from which they risk crystallizing their fears and stress: be transparent (in your choices and decisions) throughout the recruitment process. Explain what the schedule, deadlines, decision-makers, interviews (key issues and stages), what skills will be judged, what your hierarchy's expectations are for filling the position, what are your negotiation margins on the candidate's requirements, and don't forget to tell them about the career advancement opportunities they can seize with you.

Secret #3: Make a seductive offer.
Make sure to offer the talents that interest you the best working and contract conditions from the start. In a labor shortage context, don't be stingy. Salary, working conditions, bonuses, benefits, or leave, everything must be maximized from the start when you are dealing with someone you want to recruit.

Secret #4: Detect early warning signs of "ghosting".
Your candidate doesn't respond to emails or calls? They take a long time to call back or don't call back? They use subterfuges to leave you messages rather than talking to you directly? They seem evasive, hesitant? These are signs that don't lie! In this case, analyze things: either you can still recover (by trying to fix the relationship), or you need to act quickly to identify a substitute candidate before it's too late.

At Molitor International Conseil, we can provide recruiting support, helping you build a pipeline of talent that will support your company's strategic growth for years to come. To discuss your talent acquisition needs, schedule a meeting with one of our RPO solutions experts today.